Steam So Many Login Failures: Steam is a gaming platform for everyone. But probably you think that security and privacy don’t matter much on it. If you purchase games on Steam, and other ones do, your billing information not to mention your phone number are two things major hackers might be interested in. That’s the reason, if you have many long failed attempts, Steam locks you out. You view the error message “There have been so many login failures from your network in a small duration of the time period. Please wait and try again later”.
The issue with this error message is that it doesn’t define how long the ‘short time period’ ought to be. Here’s how you can resolve the Steam too many login failures from your Wi-Fi network error.
Wait 30 minutes
The ‘short time period’ is round about 30 minutes long. While having the time, wait it out and then log in to Steam. The error will vanish though you might still be prompted to input a CAPTCHA code.
Different Network
The main issue is that you forgot your password and input it so many times to guess it, is that the attempts all came from one network. Now the Steam is doubtful of that network. Also, it placed a soft ban on you while using it to sign in. The quick and instant k solution is to use another network to sign in.
Now, no one has a 2nd Wi-Fi connection available on hand in case Steam places a soft ban on their network so you have two options.
- Mobile hotspot
Mobile Hotspot
Everyone has a mobile phone. But if not all, modern smartphones and all iPhones enable you to create a hotspot. You can simply connect your computer or laptop to your mobile hotspot and then log in to Steam. Simply use Steam with the hotspot for 30 minutes and then return back to your main connection. This will gobble your mobile data so think carefully before you opt for this fix.
You want Steam to think you’re connecting from various other networks than the one you made so many failed attempts from. How to do that? Let assume you are using a VPN. However, the VPN will mask your IP and enables you to by-pass the soft ban. But if you’re already using a VPN, disconnect it and again attach it to the internet directly. The end result will be quite the same. When the ban expires, you can just use Steam the way you normally do i.e., with or without a VPN.
Here’s all about “fix Steam too many login failures”. Remember you select the best VPN if that’s the way you go with. Some VPNs can’t do a good job while masking your IP while others don’t encrypt traffic. We suggest using ExpressVPN if you’re in the market for a service. It’s quick and reliable, and also as protective as they come.
Which one do you go for it? Let us know in the comments section below!
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