How to

How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu: A Simple Guide for 2023

If you’re new to the world of Ubuntu, one of the first tasks you’ll likely want to complete is installing your preferred web browser. For many people, this means Google Chrome. So, have you recently made the switch to Ubuntu and are now wondering how to get your favorite browser, Google Chrome, installed? You’ve arrived at the right place! To install Chrome on Ubuntu we would need only your usual technical prowess – if you follow the guide it will be as straightforward as installing any other popular browser on Linux, Mac, or Windows. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to dispel any doubts you might have about this process and ensure you have a seamless transition to using Google Chrome on your Ubuntu system.

Today, we’re not only going to walk you through the steps to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu, but we’ll also explain multiple ways to do it. We aim to cater to all types of users, whether you’re more comfortable with a visual interface or prefer working directly in the Terminal.

How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu from the Official Website

Follow the step-by-step procedure carefully:

  1. Access Google Chrome’s Official Website

    The first step towards getting Google Chrome on Ubuntu is to head over to the browser’s official website. Look for and click the “Download Chrome” button on the site. This will get the ball rolling.

  2. Choose Your Operating System

    Next, a pop-up window will appear. Here, you’ll need to select “64 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)” and then click on “Accept and Install”.

  3. Download Chrome’s DEB File

    A DEB file (about 94MB in size) will now be saved to the “Downloads” folder on your PC. If the download doesn’t start automatically, no worries. Simply click on “Download Chrome manually”.

  4. Locate the Downloaded File

    Now, it’s time to open the “Downloads” folder in your file manager. Right-click on the Chrome DEB file that you just downloaded in the previous step, and choose “Open With Other Application“.

  5. Choose Software Install

    After that, choose “Software Install” and click on “Select” in the top-right corner.

  6. Install Chrome Using Ubuntu Software

    This will open Ubuntu Software, which will perform Chrome’s installation. This process can take a few seconds to load the window. Once it’s loaded, click on “Install” and enter your password to authenticate.

  7. Open Google Chrome

    Once the installation is complete, open Chrome from the app launcher in Ubuntu. You can see here, Google Chrome is now running on Ubuntu without any issues.

  8. Add Google Chrome to the Dock

    For quick access, right-click on the Chrome icon and add it to the Dock.

Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu

How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Using Terminal

While using the website is the simplest method for many, some users prefer to use Terminal for their installations. Here’s how you can install Google Chrome on Ubuntu using Terminal.

Step 1: Download the Chrome DEB File

Open the Terminal and run the following command to download the latest Chrome DEB file:


Step 2: Install Chrome Using Terminal

After that, run the command below to install Chrome in Ubuntu using Terminal:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Step 3: Open Google Chrome

Now, open the app launcher, and you’ll find that Chrome has been installed. Open the browser and log in with your Google account to sync all your data.

How to Update Google Chrome to the Latest Version on Ubuntu

Updating Chrome via Terminal

If you want to update Chrome to the latest version via the Terminal on Ubuntu, run the following commands one by one:

sudo apt update
sudo apt --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable

Updating Chrome via the Graphical Interface

Alternatively, if you prefer to update Chrome using a graphical interface, move to the app launcher and open “Software Updater“. The Software Updater will look for newer versions of all apps, including Google Chrome, on your Ubuntu PC. You can click on “Details of updates” to check if Chrome has received any updates. If so, click “Install Now” and then restart your computer. Chrome will then be updated.

How to Uninstall Google Chrome from Ubuntu

If, for whatever reason, you wish to remove Chrome from Ubuntu, you can easily do so via the Terminal or the Ubuntu Software.

Uninstalling Chrome via Terminal

Open the Terminal using the “Ctrl + Alt + T” keyboard shortcut and run the following command:

sudo apt purge google-chrome-stable
Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Uninstalling Chrome via Ubuntu Software

Alternatively, open “Ubuntu Software” from the app launcher. Navigate to the “Installed” section at the top, scroll down, and look for “Google Chrome”. Click “Uninstall” next to Google Chrome to remove the browser from your Ubuntu system.

So there you have it – three simple methods to install, update, and uninstall Google Chrome on Ubuntu. Whether you prefer to manually download the DEB file or execute a few commands in the Terminal, the choice is yours.

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In Summary

As we wrap up, remember that embracing a new operating system like Ubuntu comes with its learning curve. Each step you take, whether it’s installing new software or customizing your settings, contributes to enhancing your overall user experience. Installing a web browser like Google Chrome is just one of these steps. And, now that you know how to do it, you can feel more confident exploring Ubuntu and tailoring it to your needs.

So, there you have it – three simple methods to install, update, and uninstall Google Chrome on Ubuntu. The beauty of Ubuntu is its flexibility; whether you prefer to manually download the DEB file or execute a few commands in the Terminal, the choice is yours. Whatever your comfort level, we hope this guide has helped you navigate the process with ease. Don’t stop here though! Keep exploring, keep learning, and continue making the most of your Ubuntu experience. As always, if you have any queries or need further assistance, we’re here to help. Just drop us a comment in the section below. Here’s to many happy hours of browsing with Google Chrome on Ubuntu!

About the author

Salman Jumazada

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