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Note 5 Root status breakdown by different variants:
Verizon Note 5 Root: Not Available
Verizon Galaxy Note 5 is very hard to get root access, let alone how and when. But you should not lose hope. Things like Towelroot and Ping Pong Root often come and go, and while they stay, they set everything right.
AT&T Note 5 Root: Not available
Ditto Verizon!
The reason for this trouble that Verizon and AT&T Note 5 has with root access is the locked bootloader on these devices which prevents any modifications to the system partitions, hence no possibility of installing a custom kernel.
T-Mobile Note 5 Root: Available
Link: Root T-Mobile Note 5 N920T Guide
Update: Turns out Tmo Note 5 received root before any other variant.
The T-Mobile variants are the most friendly to get root access after the international ones. We’re hopeful that as soon as we get root access on the international variant of Galaxy Note 5, we’ll get root on T-Mobile Note 5 as well.
Sprint Note 5 Root: available
Link: Root Sprint Note 5 N920P
Update: It didn’t take long for the Sprint Note 5 to get root either. Thanks, rlmiller and Manh_IT.
Similar to T-Mobile, the Sprint Note 5 is sure to get root access as soon as it can. No worries.
Hope this information serves you well. Happy Androiding!