How to Social Media

What Happens When you Block Someone on Snapchat?

Block Someone on Snapchat

It’s no secret that the social media frenzy has gone out of control and that actually makes it all the more important to take a break. If that’s just the case, then one can easily deactivate their accounts. However, what if there’s a specific user that’s just pestering you? In such a case, the only sensible choice would be to block them as well. In this article, we will also discuss what actually happens whenever you guys block someone on Snapchat. So if you guys are interested, then continue reading! Snapchat is actually an excellent application for putting up short content as well. It can be in the form of videos as well as photos that disappear after 24 hours. In this article, we are going to talk about What Happens When you Block Someone on Snapchat? Let’s begin!

Fortunately, in case you guys are not comfortable with a specific user, you can block them. Blocking is also a great way in order to keep spam profiles away actually. However, have you ever thinking what happens whenever you block someone on Snapchat? If not, then just don’t worry! We are going to tell you about all the aspects related to blocking on Snapchat in this very article as well.

What Happens When you Block Someone on Snapchat?

What are the reasons to block someone on Snapchat?

There are a lot of reasons why you need to know about the blocking feature on each and every social media platform. In this article, we are now dealing with one such application, i.e., Snapchat. Just following are a few reasons:

  • You guys might want to restrict your content to a stranger who also has accidentally been added to your list.
  • Also, you might receive spam notifications and then snaps in some situations. One can also keep these notorious accounts away via blocking them.
  • Blocking is also an excellent option in order to restrict your content from one user whenever you guys don’t want them to see it. You can guys later go ahead and unblock them when the story expires after 24 hours.
  • Some folks prefer to keep their Snapchat profiles private, unlike influencers. Blocking helps just keep away business accounts as well as other public handles that guys may want to interact.

If you guys relate to any of these reasons, then you have to know how you can block someone on Snapchat and what happens next!

What happens when we block someone on Snapchat?

Now let’s say that a specific user makes you uncomfortable and so you guys blocked them. There are a few changes that will actually take place whenever you now open the application.

  • When you block someone, neither will they be able to see your story nor will you be able in order to send or receive any snaps from them.
  • You also won’t be able to share any messages as well as chat with them.
  • After blocking, both you and also the blocked user will also not appear in each other’s searches.
  • They might still be able to view your public stories if you guys have only “removed” them!

Blocking decreases these chances to zero.

How to block someone on Snapchat?

Before knowing what happens whenever you guys block someone on Snapchat. Let us first take a look at the process of blocking! If you guys want to block someone, then just follow the steps:

  • You have to open the chat of the user that you’d like to block.
  • Just locate the three horizontal lines on the top left corner of the chat as well.
  • From the menu of options that are now displayed, choose ‘Block’.
  • When you do that, the chatbox will disappear automatically as well.
  • You can also delete a user from your friend list rather than blocking for a lesser drastic measure.

If we block someone on Snapchat, just do the chats get deleted?

Quite commonly, lots of users end up blocking individuals whenever they send a wrong message. So the question is, that does blocking really delete the messages? After just sending them a message, they will still be able to see the last snap you guys sent them. Thus,  does not affect the messages. But, an excellent alternative to follow in this case would be to block that individual as well.

When you guys block them, the application will delete all the previous messages, and they would really no longer have you in their contacts. Furthermore, your profile would also not appear in the search results which means, they won’t be able to find your Snapchat until you unblock them as well!

Well, one must note that all the unopened messages deletes after 30 days as well. Thus, if the user is inactive, then there’s hope that they won’t be able to open the message you guys accidentally sent!

Blocking as a feature saves us all from unwelcome interactions as well. It also helps us get away from bothersome strangers as well as fake accounts. It bars anyone that we dislike from accessing our profiles as well. Blocking also has an excellent utility on many social media applications, especially Snapchat as well.


What happens to chats when you block someone on Snapchat?

When you block someone on Snapchat, their profile disappears from your device. The whole chat history also gets deleted. Furthermore, you won’t be able to locate them in your chatbox anymore. However, the individual that block will still have these messages on their device. However, they won’t be able to reply as well as send any more messages to you!

Does blocking someone on Snapchat delete saved messages?

If you block someone else on Snapchat, their whole chat history will delete from your device. But, they will still have these messages on their phones. They just won’t be able to send you guys any more messages.

Do messages disappear when you block someone?

Messages also do disappear from the chat history of the blocker. However, the user that has been blocked will still be able to see these in their chatbox as well.

Can you tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat?

If someone gets blocked, then they are not notified. However, there are a few pointers that could help you guys figure out if you’ve been blocked or not. Well, they are as follows:

  • If you are unable to open as well as search their profile.
  • And, if you don’t receive any messages from them.
  • If you guys are unable to check their stories or also snaps.


Alright, That was all Folks! I hope you guys like this article and also find it helpful to you. Give us your feedback on it. Also if you guys have further queries and issues related to this article. Then let us know in the comments section below. We will get back to you shortly.

Have a Great Day!

Also See: How to Know if Someone Deleted their Instagram

About the author

Windy Moore

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