Facebook2Zip is actually a web service that permits you to download your personal, as well as your friends. Facebook photo albums in just a single zip archive. You guys can download individual or multiple photo albums in the blink of an eye along with this web service. All you guys have to do is just sign in using your Facebook account with this web service, and start downloading! In this article, we are going to talk about facebook2zip – Download Facebook Photo Albums in Zip Format. Let’s begin!
Sharing photos with friends and acquaintances is actually one of the most famous features of Facebook. But, most of the time you may want to keep a copy of your photos or your friends’ photos locally on your computer for some reason. There are a lot of ways for the same and Facebook2Zip is another good tool for this work actually.
facebook2zip – Download Facebook Photo Albums in Zip Format
After you guys have logged in along with your Facebook username and password, you can select albums either from your own account or your friend(s)’ albums via just typing their names in the search bar. Please note that you guys can only access those albums of your friends that you can also see on your Facebook account (Thus, it won’t bypass any privacy settings). Tap on the Next button to select the albums you want to download.
You can select a single album though clicking on the album’s name, or just do a multi-select via the CTRL-key. Tapping Download will prompt Facebook2Zip in order to grab the selected album(s) in the form of one single ZIP archive. Should you guys make an incorrect choice or cancel the operation, there is also an Abort button available.
The service is pretty fast as far as conversion of albums to ZIP is concerned. However, time will change relying on the number of albums you choose. Download speeds, but, are solely dependent on your internet connection and related parameters. It’s just simple to use, and perfect for those occasions whenever you guys could not make it for the Christmas Holidays yourself. However, want to show off the beautiful family pictures that your mother uploaded.
Well, I hope you like this article and understand all the steps. However, if you still have any problems and queries related to this article. Then feel free to ask me in the comments section below. I’ll get back to you shortly.
Keep Smiling!
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